
Ewigkeit, Ende und alles, was niemals begann

When eulogies, funerals, thoughts and prayers are no longer enough, the descendants Kofi and Xo turn to the Death Doula and Ancestor Shi-Shi. There needs to be another way to get through “this thing we call life.” Eternity, the End and Everything That Never Began is an interdisciplinary work to understand death as a way to reshape life. In doing so, Kofi and Xo reflect the different ways in which we try to process grief. Told in the form of a ritual, this piece blurs the boundaries between character, performer and audience and challenges us to close the gap between dream and reality.

(c) Birgit Hupfeld
„Vielleicht sollte das Theater wieder zum kultischen Ort werden wie in der Antike. Die Performance von Ta-Nia probiert das im Übergangsritual der Ahninnen aus. Das lebt von der Wärme und Ausstrahlung der Darstellerinnen, in der Ruby Commeys Lächeln zum Ereignis wird. Großer Beifall.“ — Westfälischer Anzeiger (21. März 2023)

“Perhaps the theater should become a place of worship again, like in ancient times. Ta-Nia's performance tries this out in the ancestral rite of passage. This thrives on the warmth and charisma of the actresses, in which Ruby Commey's smile becomes an event. Big applause.” — Westfälischer Anzeiger (March 21 2023)

World Premiere at
Schauspiel Dortmund
March 2023 

Stück & Regie Ta-Nia
Ausstattung Lan Anh Pham
SND-Design Richard Opoku-Agyemang
Dramaturgie Viktoria Göke
Licht Stefan Gimbel
Ton Robin Lockhart
Regieassistenz Alina Baranowski
Ausstattungsassistenz Constanze Kriester
Inspizienz Monika Gies-Hasmann
Soufflage Klara Brandi


SHI-SHI Ruby Commey
XO Dena Abay
KOFI Simon Olubowale