
Ewigkeit, Ende und alles, was niemals begann

When eulogies, funerals, thoughts and prayers are no longer enough, the descendants Kofi and Xo turn to the Death Doula and Ancestor Shi-Shi. There needs to be another way to get through “this thing we call life.” Eternity, the End and Everything That Never Began is an interdisciplinary work to understand death as a way to reshape life. In doing so, Kofi and Xo reflect the different ways in which we try to process grief. Told in the form of a ritual, this piece blurs the boundaries between character, performer and audience and challenges us to close the gap between dream and reality.

(c) Birgit Hupfeld

“Perhaps the theater should       become a place of worship again,  like in ancient times. Ta-Nia's performance tries this out in the ancestral rite of passage. This thrives on the warmth and charisma of the actresses, in which Ruby Commey's smile becomes an event. Big applause.” — Westfälischer Anzeiger (March 21 2023)

  „Vielleicht sollte das Theater wieder zum kultischen Ort werden wie in der Antike. Die Performance von Ta-Nia probiert das im Übergangsritual der Ahninnen aus. Das lebt von der Wärme und Ausstrahlung der Darstellerinnen, in der Ruby Commeys Lächeln zum Ereignis wird. Großer Beifall.“ — Westfälischer Anzeiger (21. März 2023)

World Premiere at
Schauspiel Dortmund
March 2023 

Stück & Regie Ta-Nia
Ausstattung Lan Anh Pham
SND-Design Richard Opoku-Agyemang
Dramaturgie Viktoria Göke
Licht Stefan Gimbel
Ton Robin Lockhart
Regieassistenz Alina Baranowski
Ausstattungsassistenz Constanze Kriester
Inspizienz Monika Gies-Hasmann
Soufflage Klara Brandi


SHI-SHI Ruby Commey
XO Dena Abay
KOFI Simon Olubowale